Thursday, November 6, 2008

whoop - magistical memories toot -

whoop! whoop! i've gotta toot! i am just so super excited. i made it to round 2 of the magistical memories chipboard artist design team call - they are a laser chipboard company and their products are so totally amazing. okay, so there are 27 very tallented ladies going on to the second round (including myself - yippee) where we will all be sent the same chipboard to create with for round 2. i am so looking forward to seeing what amazing chipboard they are sending us all to work with. so wish me luck - oh and check out the list of all of the girls that made it to round 2.. this group is totally amazing!!

Amy Coose
Jennifer Hansen
Shannon Blinn
Kelly Evans
Norma Kennedy
Corien vd Oever
Lacintha Naidoo
Madeline Fox
Jacqueline Walker
Juliana Michaels
Annie Brown
Mary Patterson
Traci Wutke
Celeste Brodnik
Anna Sigga
Selena Kimsey
Amy Teets
Betsy Sammarco
Trish Adams
Annelie Maddock
Julie Detlef
Rita Shimniok
Beth Root
Lisa Dorsey
Pearl Liu
Hilde Stolk
Kristi Bergin-Smith


Alecia Wolfford said...

WOO-HOO Mary, that is AWESOME!! Congrats lady!!

Unknown said...

WOO-HOO is right, Mary and what an honor to be picked for round 2, wishing you the best of luck and can't wait to see what you create when you can show your projects.
Congratulations, and onward you go..........

Beth Root: Music Teacher said...

Mary......I am so psyched to see your name here!!!! Congrats my friend. You know i totally dig your work and am sending the biggest good luck wish!!!!!!
beth Root

Gina said...

Congrats Mary! :)